Tech Revel

.....Guiding you to the world of technology......

Ever thought about learning Matlab but were not having the books to learn from??
Here is the deal for you--->You can get the Matlab Interactive CD and Matlab Kit which has got extensive tutorials on using the Matlab tools.With a large number of examples to learn from, you can easily grasp the fundamentals of Matlab....all courtesy-MathWorks India.All you have to do is to fill a form (whose link is given at the bottom of the post), they will even ship it to you for free!!!!

Here is the complete list of the things which the training toolkit has got-

1-Introduction to MATLAB
2-Data Analysis with MATLAB for Excel® Users
3-Algorithm Development with MATLAB for C/C++ Products
4-Introduction to Statistics with MATLAB Products
5-Introduction to Optimization with MATLAB Products
6-Application Deployment with MATLAB
7-MATLAB for Signal Processing
8-Image Processing Using MATLAB
9-Data Acquisition with MATLAB Products
10-Using MATLAB to Develop Financial Products
11-Introduction to MATLAB for Life Scientists

To get the MATLAB Interactive CD and Kit click here.

More such technical freebies later....have a nice time!!!

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